In a previous article we covered the news of the first day listing of BitUnits on the Saturn network DEX, and in this article, we will look at the mechanics of how to buy BitUnits. Essentially there are four different types of trade available on the DEX:
- Accept a seller’s open sell order to buy UNITS
- Create an open buy order for someone to sell UNITS to you
- Accept a buyer’s open buy order to sell some of your UNITS
- Create an open sell order for someone to buy your UNITS
With the first two options, you will be buying UNITS and selling with the last two options. Or specifically, with two of the four options, you hope you will be buying or selling BitUnits. When you create an open buy/sell order, you have to wait for a seller or buyer to accept your offer. For a token like bitcoin or ethereum if you set a realistic buying or selling price on a popular DEX your order will normally be snapped up within a few seconds. Conversely if to set a bitcoin buy order at $3,000 today when the market rate is currently around $6,388 you could be waiting a lifetime.
On some exchanges, you can leave your order open indefinitely and hope it gets filled at some time in the future. Occasionally you might get lucky on an exchange with “fat finger” syndrome where a trader miskeys a price and fills your order by mistake. Saturn eliminates many fat-finger incidents because you have a single click option to select an open sell or buy order. The crypto markets are generally more volatile than traditional stocks, and you could win big with a flash crash or pump of the price.
Saturn DEX Trading in Detail
The screenshot below is a desktop view of the DEX of open orders to sell and buy BitUnits. It shows you the prices you can accept right now and you can part-fill an order if you wish so if a seller has 20,000 UNITS for sale you could just buy 2,500, or whatever quantity you require up to and including 20,000.

Note the SELL ORDERS on the left are allocated green Buy buttons for you to buy BitUnits and the BUY ORDERS are on the left with red Sell buttons. On mobile you will need to familiarize yourself with the different trading areas of the screen as they are not currently laid out as clearly as shown above.
Scrolling down the page brings up the recent trades of BitUnits including the 2 UNITS I bought earlier today. The screenshot is fairly self-explanatory.

If you have already bought and sold UNITS on the Saturn DEX the first section to appear will look similar to the screenshot below, but we are assuming you haven’t traded on the DEX yet. Again fairly self-explanatory but post comments if you are unsure.

In addition to accepting open orders, you can open your own orders to find a seller or buyer for BitUnits. Just click the green Create Order button as shown above. The button really should be a neutral color because when you click it, you can set up buy or sell orders as shown below.

Simply select one of the two tabs and enter the required amount of UNITS and price in ETC, not dollars. In the Firefox browser for mobile or Chrome (and Firefox) for desktop, you will need to be logged into the Saturn wallet for some of the details above to be available. The Saturn DEX can be accessed directly with this link or indirectly with this link. If you select the indirect link just scroll down the page until you see the BitUnits link in the Assets section. When you confirm a trade in the DEX, you will also need to bring up your Saturn Wallet (in a separate tab if you are using a smartphone) to confirm gas settings etc. as shown below.

We would recommend that you keep the default gas settings for your trades but do remember this means you will require a small amount of ETC in your Saturn wallet. Best way to obtain ETC is to ask a crypto friend to send some to your wallet as the minimum trade for ETC is relatively high on main exchanges. It is perhaps only $5, but that would cover hundreds or thousands of trades on the DEX. One dollar, about 0.1 ETC is ample to start with. If you don’t have sufficient ETC to complete the transaction on the Ethereum Classic blockchain, you will not be able to SUBMIT the trade.
In our next article, we will run through transferring BitUnits from a Trust to a Saturn Wallet.