Cryptocurrency BitUnits, Ticker UNITS, Now Trading on Saturn Network Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

Earlier today the BitUnits cryptocurrency token began trading on the Saturn network decentralized exchange (DEX). Trading is performed directly between the DEX and the Saturn proprietary digital token controller (SPDTC or more commonly known as a digital wallet). I don’t like the term wallet because it gives the impression that it contains the tokens whereas it simply gives access to them on the respective blockchains.

Saturn DEX

The Saturn network is currently available for Ethereum Classic (ETC) tokens, and we are lead to believe it will include the Ethereum network within the next seven days.  The DEX looks to be running well, and we were able to trade with Firefox on our Android phone, but it was a lot more straightforward on our laptop. Below is a screenshot of the SPDTC (wallet) and the DEX which we took on our smartphone.

 BitUnits in Saturn Wallet  Saturn DEX on mobile

What we were really impressed with was that the team behind the DEX were up and running almost 24 hours ahead of schedule. The crypto space is full of missed deadlines and meaningless whitepapers, so it came as a pleasant surprise to find a team ahead of the game. I also liked this promotional video that was produced in the run-up to the Saturn DEX release.

Firefox is available for iOS 10.3 so in theory, the Saturn DEX can be used on the newer iPhones, but it might be worth waiting until the site is a little more mobile friendly, especially if you already have access to a desktop system.

BitUnits Club

BitUnits is an ERC223 token with a fixed supply of 10,000,000 and a stock ticker of UNITS. The philosophy behind the BitUnits club can be found on their website and within their whitepaper, but in short, it is to educate individuals that are new to crypto. What better way to learn crypto than with FREE tokens and from a team dedicated to bringing blockchain to the masses?

5,000,000 BitUnits tokens have been airdropped to crypto enthusiasts over the last few weeks. The team used a variety of methods to distribute the tokens, and all of them had some element of learning about crypto from “hacking” wallets, crypto bingo through to educational surveys, etc. Lots more to come regarding the BitUnits club in the coming months but one of the crypto puzzles I was very successful with was the Trust wallet “hacks”. The Trust wallet was recently taken over by the “number one” centralized exchange Binance and the wallet is developing at a rapid pace. Binance is also working on their own DEX, but Saturn is the one we would recommend at the moment.

Trust the user friendly crypto wallet from BinanceThe screenshot to the left is the Trust wallet and to use the Saturn DEX the UNITS have first to be sent to the SPDTC. For individuals new to crypto the Trust wallet is much easier to use than the SPDTC, and this is why the BitUnits team airdropped the tokens into this wallet. Trust is a smartphone app, available for Android and iOS rather than the browser extension wallet as provided by the Saturn team.

Fingers crossed, Saturn will make their wallet easier to use on a  smartphone as there are many people around the world that don’t have a PC and sharing one is not very practical based on the security required to trade tokens.

We will put together a more detailed breakdown of how to move BitUnits from one wallet to another in due course, but meanwhile, if you have any questions or comments, please post them below or in the BitUnits Telegram group.

Financial disclosure – as shown in the wallets above I hold BitUnits and other cryptocurrencies. If you found this article informative, you can donate BitUnits or ETC to the address shown below, thanks.

UNITS or ETC address:


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