ICON Project P-REPs and Censorship

ICON Project
Do we think a failing blockchain like the ICON project can be turned around?
Yes, it’s never too late to change course and steer away from the rocks.
Would we recommend software developers use the ICON blockchain?
No, at this present time we would advise them to use the Ethereum Classic (ETC) network.
How long have we been critical of the ICON Foundation?
Our supporters know that we raised issues more than 18 months ago but they were never addressed by the Foundation or Min Kim.
Why did we stand down from the P-REP testnet?
It became quite clear that the only way to make it into the top 22 was to hide the truth from the ICON community and we were not prepared to do this.
P-REP Candidates
Why do we support IConnect Global of Africa as a P-REP?
IConnect has been reluctant to join in the P-REP cartel practises (see censorship below) and this indicates they are a truly an independent team. It would be an injustice for an entire content to be excluded from the ICON network. Africa has a large proportion of the world’s un-banked and Satoshi’s vision for blockchain technology was for it to be available for all.
Do we think known rogue P-REP candidates are interested in the ICON community?
Candidates like ICX Australia and UBIK Capital thought it was appropriate to “buy votes” and their sudden change of heart doesn’t make them worthy of your ICX vote.
Why have we been so critical of Rhizome?
A leopard doesn’t changes it’s spots and in our opinion anyone that votes for this candidate is just hoping to offload their ICX to new investors that haven’t seen the uncensored data we hold. With ICON trying to arrange a listing for ICX on US cryptocurrency Exchanges it’s vital that shilling is stamped out.
Is this website or the BLOC8 team associated with IConnect?
Absolutely not and the IConnect team became a P-REP candidate in March 2019. Details of their team and proposal are available on the ICON website. Outside of Africa it’s quite easy for candidates that were involved in the ICO to buy a position in the top 22 i.e. less than $160,000 required when the ICO bonus is taken into account.
Do we think P-REP candidates should also be social media moderators for the ICON network?
There is a clear conflict of interest and when a team becomes a P-REP candidate they should give up their right to moderate on social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter and Telegram.
How can the ICON community be better represented on social media platforms?
The ICON Project needs to prevent anonymous individuals from moderating social media posts. Technology exists to validate a moderators ID without exposing it to the wider internet community.
Why is censorship resistance important?
It ensures existing and potential investors of blockchain tokens are able to establish fact from fiction.
What are we doing to ensure data is not censored?
We use Steemit and ironically the ICON blockchain to ensure the data that we painstakingly collate is available for all to see. We also own several Unstoppable Domains like cryptonewsarticles (.zil and .crypto), ICONProject.zil and ICONProject.crypto. We will be publishing our data about the ICON Project via IPFS in due course like these .