Transfer BitUnits from Binance Trust to Saturn Browser Wallet
Before you set off to transfer BitUnits to a DEX to cash out understand that optimum returns for most investments require they are held over the longer term. HODL your crypto tokens and this applies to BitUnits. You should be looking at keeping hold of the tokens for upwards of five years. Just looks at how far bitcoin has come in ten years, and this is what BitUnits Club developer Issa Clunie, had to say about cashing out to fiat.
“Cashing out of crypto to go to the dying banking fiat currency is like taking a PS4 and trading it for a PS1.“
Inevitably there will be the weak hands that sell too early and live to regret it, and this guide is aimed at them. Most of the BitUnits were airdropped into Trust wallets, but a Saturn wallet is required to trade on their DEX. In the last article in the series, we covered the different types of trades available on Saturn, and this is a follow-up piece.
An article on cross-browser and mobile support was published in September 2018 by the Saturn team. We will concentrate on the Firefox browser as the Saturn wallet works on mobile as well as desktop with this browser. In Saturn’s article, they provide a link to the Firefox extension for the wallet, but it is also available here.
Setting up the Saturn Wallet to Transfer BitUnits
If the Firefox extension doesn’t take you straight to the wallet set up screen look for a menu item in the browser settings marked as Saturn Wallet. It will generate a random 12-word seed, and you will also need to set a secure password. Be sure to keep the seed and password available in case you need to restore the wallet to a new phone etc.
Ensure you have ETC network selected from the dropdown list at the top left of the web browser. We are now ready to add the UNITS token to the Saturn wallet. It will look like this screenshot to the left, but the ETC and Saturn tokens will be at zero unless you have imported an existing Saturn wallet with tokens. Click ADD TOKEN button and paste in the BitUnits smart contract address, as shown on their website.
The smart contracts address: 0xd1c10d433c888e6d1841ff924d0ce45157f0d5cd is the Token Contract Address and when you enter this address into the Saturn wallet it should populate Token Symbol with the word UNITS and set Decimals of Precision to 6.
Make a note of the address for the ETC and BitUnits (just one address) in the Saturn wallet and send the tokens you have in the Trust wallet. You will need less than 0.001 ETC to set the gas to transfer BitUnits from wallet to wallet. If you don’t have any ETC you will need to buy some or ask a crypto friend if they will send some to your Trust wallet.
You are now ready to trade on the Saturn network DEX. If you trade UNITS for ETC you can keep the ETC in your Saturn wallet or send them to your Trust wallet. As Saturn is providing a true decentralized exchange, where you are in control of your private key, it is safe to keep your digital assets in the Saturn wallet indefinitely. This is not the case for most of the exchanges operating today like Binance. If a regular exchange gets hacked, and they do with alarming regularity, you stand to lose all your tokens.